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Khadnol+Livcon Capsule, Khadnol Syrup and Utracon Syrup

1,000.00 860.00

4999998 in stock


Discover a holistic solution for Urethral Stricture with a blend of potent Ayurvedic medicines – KHADNOL Capsule, LIVCON Capsule, KHADNOL Syrup and UTRACON Syrup Created by award-winning manufacturer M/s Ujwala Ayurvedashram
🌿🔑 This unique combination targets the root cause, offering effective relief and promoting natural healing. Say goodbye to discomfort with this trusted Ayurvedic treatment, carefully designed to restore harmony and well-being. Read on to explore how this holistic approach can alleviate urethral stricture concerns. 💧🌟

🌿🔑 Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment:

• Soothes Inflammation: Reduce inflammation and discomfort with natural remedies. 🌟
• Promotes Healing: Aid in the natural healing process for lasting relief. 💧
• Restores Urinary Flow: Enhance urinary function and relieve blockages. 🌿
• Strengthens the Urethra: Fortify the urethral passage for improved resilience. 🔑
• Minimizes Recurrence: Prevent future issues by addressing the root cause holistically. 🌸
• Experience the healing power of Ayurveda for urethral stricture! Consult with our experts for personalized guidance and optimal results.

Schedule of Dosage:
Khadnol+Livcon 1-1 Capsule before meal
Utracon and Khadnol Syrup take 10-15 ml by the Cap of the bottle After meal 3 times a day.

For more information: You Are Welcome To Get In Touch
Ujwala Ayurvedashram, Yavatmal, India


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