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Knee Pain Ayurvedic Treatment with herbs and Home Remedies

Many ailments that become rather grave at an older age, often tend to start at an early stage of our lives. Ayurveda believes that it is the accumulation of toxins inside our body that leads to problems like knee pain. We tend to ignore the signs when they show up and later adjust to living with such ailments. 

Knee pain is believed to be treatable by Ayurvedic medicine. The sole belief of the practice is around the improvement of the state of our mind, body and spirit. Joint pain was also something that was an ailment for the older ones, today it has been troubling for the younger generation too.

It is primarily the imbalance of the Vata Dosha which causes different types of joint disorders, knee pain being one of them. The gap between our joints is lubricated as a normal scenario but when that decreases, they become stiff and prone to inflammation. Ayurvedic remedies for knee pain can be helpful in treating this situation to eventually bring in long-term relief. 

Key causes behind Knee Pain

Any kind of swelling in the knee joint or general knee pain has been described as ‘Sandhivata’ by Ayurveda. The cause and knee pain remedy in ayurveda can be identified by understanding the type. There are ideally two types that have been identified by ayurvedic medicine. 

1. Poor nourishment

With age, wear and tear can occur in the knee joints which can lead to degeneration. Poor nourishment around the joints can also be an additional part of the cause. The patient’s bones will be facing low density and a discomfort around the joint area. Eventually, as the bone doesn’t get proper nourishment, it starts degenerating and can lead to permanent immobilization.

Aggravation of the Vyana Vata can also be the underlying cause around this type of Knee pain. 

2. Increased toxicity

According to Ayurveda, accumulation of toxins in the body is the prime reason for knee pain. Ama, which is the toxic part of food not digested well, starts filling up in the joint. This results in stiffness and swelling in case Ama stays there for a longer period.  

3. Accidental Injury

Injuries can damage the tissue or even the structure of the bones which can result in severe knee pain. This will require the determination of the exact location of the problem so it can be treated with proper ayurvedic medicine for knee pain. 

Development in Knee Pain Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda believes that the cause of any health problem lies within our mind, body or soul. Only treating them together and holistically can one achieve true relief from the ailment. The benefit of seeking ayurvedic treatment is clearly that current pain will be eradicated and chances of any future occurrences will also be eliminated. 

It is also important to achieve a balance between the three aspects. This is why the three doshas are highly emphasized in ayurvedic medicine. The treatment will also include overall betterment of the body through exercises, proper diet, right herbs, yoga and more that your practitioner will suggest. He/she will also help you identify the dosha causing the knee pain and get to the root cause through the correct treatment plan. 

Some suggested methods that have been followed under ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis knee have been listed below. 

1. Massage

Massage is a form of therapy that can help relieve any built up stress in your knee joints. Using essential oils for the massage can be further helpful in easing the pain at an early stage. Swelling will also reduce with massage due to the increase in circulation around the area. It is one of the most effective treatments for knee pain in ayurveda that can trigger the body’s natural healing process. 

Massaging the knee joint is a method that has been adapted for accidental injuries as well. Stiff joints can very well be relieved with a good massage. 

2. Pain relief potli

The traditional technique of using a potli filled with herbs like ajwain, methi and more has been suggested by Ayurveda. The heat therapy involved here will help with the joint pain in the long term. 

3. Januvasti

Januvasti is an ancient form of ayurvedic treatment which has proven to be worthy for relief in chronic knee pain. It is a tried and tested treatment where warm oils are poured around the knee joint with the help of gram flour. This part is followed by a gentle massage that slowly allows the heat from the oils to work its magic. This form of treatment recommendation has to come from your practitioner who can assess the requirement. 

When do you need a consultation for Knee Pain?

Signs of knee pain can be developed at an early age which can further intensify later on. Hence, it is important to understand when is the right time to consult a doctor, whether it is for ayurvedic treatment or regular treatment.

A general practitioner can evaluate the situation at present and can further consult you to a specialist. If you have recently experienced an accidental injury and see significant swelling or redness around the knee then it is recommended to check with an orthopedic surgeon.

Symptoms like chronic pain, general swelling, stiffness around the knee have to be observed over time to understand who to consult. Ayurveda suggests immediately consulting a practitioner on the onset of these symptoms. He/she can help you identify the dosha and further help with treatment for knee pain. 

Home Remedies and herbs to help with Knee Pain

Many ayurvedic remedies for knee pain can be found right at home, among the herbs and spices we use on a regular basis. The same herbs like turmeric, guggul and more have been used in ayurvedic medicine development too. The relief they provide is equivalent to conventional medicine, only there are no side effects. 

1. Ajwain with mustard oil


A paste made using ajwain seeds and mustard oil on the knee joint can help achieve relief from excessive knee pain. The anaesthetic properties of the seeds will help in reducing inflammation and the pain following that. Best way is to use the herb in paste form but it is also suggested for consumption with water daily. 

2. Ginger oil

Ginger oil

Ginger is effective because of two key reasons, that is it can heat and heal the joint area. It has also been known to reduce swelling over time. Regular consumption plays a key role here, it can be taken in your morning tea or as a part of your meals. 

3. Triphala


The antioxidants that triphala is rich in are essential in reducing the inflammation that is the cause of knee pain. This effectiveness comes from the three herbs that triphala is made of. Ayurveda has a history of using triphala as a remedy for many ailments, especially for knee pain treatment.

4. Rumata Oil

Rumata Oil

Rumatol or Rumata Knee pain Oil is a combination of kala jeera, guggle, salai guggle, nirguddi, karanji and kapoor. Neem oil has been mixed with these herbs to create a relief providing ayurvedic remedy. It can be used by any age group as it can help with knee pain, joint pain and even back pain. 

5. Cayenne Pepper 

Cayenne Pepper

Commonly known as ‘lal mirch’, pepper is a natural pain killer which can target knee pain very well.  These properties of the spice come from ‘capsaicin’ which is readily present in cayenne pepper. Best way to use this knee pain remedy in ayurveda is by making a paste with some oil and using it on the joint.

6. Nirgundi


Using leaves of the Nirgundi plant to make a paste or a concoction can help reduce swelling and excessive pain. The plan is believed to have antioxidant properties which can bring relief to knee pain. For overall improvement in pain, this herb can become a good treatment plan. 

7. Dashmool


As the name suggests, Dashmool herb is actually a mix of ten other herbs. The blend of herbs like patala, shalparni and more, that is Dashmool, possesses sedative properties that can aid with joint pain. Many ayurvedic medicines make use of this mix of ten roots that come from trees and shrubs. 

8. Shallakki


Modern pain killers can very easily be substituted by the herb Shallaki which is helpful in inducing relief in so many ways. With the help of this herb, you will notice a reduction in pain and swelling. It has been suggested by ayurveda for patients who have faced no mobility conditions because of joint pain. 

9. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is a holistic remedy for stress and pain relief. Massaging it around the joint will help in reducing the swelling and the fragrance will calm your mind alongside. The tannis that is present in the oil is solely responsible for such calming and remedial effects. 

10. Guggul


Many herbs and treatments can aid with the swelling but Guggulu is a special treatment for knee pain in Ayurveda, that helps with smooth movement around the joints. It is a wholesome treatment that will nourish your immune system and further protect your body from any disease. The name itself means ‘protects from disease’. 

11. Ashwagandha


Many studies have shown that the herb ashwagandha can treat symptoms that are often the result of arthritis. Even swelling can be treated to an extent with the help of this herb. Regular use can provide strength to the joints and the bones, eventually resulting in smooth mobility for your knees. 

12. Turmeric


Any herb that has anti-inflammatory properties is a natural treatment for knee pain. The curcumin present in turmeric possesses the same which is why the readily available spice, that is turmeric can reduce joint pain. 

Knee Pain relieving Ayurvedic medicines 

Ayurveda has been around for a long time which is why we have many remedies and medicines available today that can help heal chronic pain. Relief is of high importance when it comes to ailments like joint pain. Some effective medicines have been developed by ayurvedic herbs, which have shown great results. 

Pirant Tablets and oil

The toxic effect created by the Ama present around the knee joint, can be diluted with the help of Pirant tablets. They have been developed with anti-inflammatory properties to treat joints that have difficulty with mobility. The oil can be used in addition with the tablets to further settle Vata Dosha as well. 


Q. Which ayurvedic oil is best for knee pain?

A. Pirate oil and tablets are recommended medicine in Ayurveda and are known to be the best out of all. 

Q. Do I need an Ayurveda Consultation for knee pain?

A. Practitioners can help you detail out the root cause of pain, whether stemming from an injury or through a history of pain. It is best to consult one at the right time. 

Q. What should I do if I am facing a cracking sound in my knee when I try to move?

A. Cracking sound in the knee means there is lack of lubrication, hence oil massage is a helpful way to attain certain relief. 

Q. Which Ayurvedic medicine is good for joint pain?

A. Rumata Oil by Ujwala Ayurvedashram has been created for knee pain, joint pain and works very well to ease the pain. 

Q. What is the best herb for pain relief?

A. Eucalyptus oil is the best for pain relief as it doesn’t just heal the knee joint, it relieves you of stress too which is equally important. 

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