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11 Best Hair Growth Ayurvedic Oil for scalp

Hair oiling has been a recommended solution for so many of our hair problems, beginning from hair fall to dandruff. Our hair needs the nourishment that comes from oiling and massage. In addition to our own mothers, Ayurveda also recommends oiling the hair at least twice a week to achieve the best results.

Oiling your hair might seem like a task sometimes but it is the best and the easiest bit you could do for your hair. Many deep rooted hair problems can be treated by understanding the cause first and then choosing the right ayurvedic oil to treat it. 

Ayurvedic oils for hair are often created using herbs which have been proven to be helpful in treating hair problems. It is also important to understand the difference between general oils and ayurvedic oils because every kind of ayurvedic oil targets a specific problem. 

How do Hair Growth Ayurvedic Oils function?

The concentration of an ayurvedic oil is what defines whether it will boost hair growth or not. The right blend of herbs can result in proper nourishment of hair which will eventually lead to rejuvenation of the hair follicles. 

The biggest advantage of using a well blended ayurvedic hair oil is that they have a calming effect on the mind and the body, while being beneficial for hair growth. Blocked pores in the scalp slowly open up to give way to new stem cells that can promote hair growth and enhance texture. 

All that you need can be provided through a good ten minute massage which will further protect your hair from breakage. 

Know what’s between you and healthy hair

Any kind of hair related problem will be rooted deep within the reasons which have led to an imbalance in the body. The factors could also be external like pollution, exposure to dust but they could also be internal coming from an aggravated dosha. 

Any hair growth ayurvedic oil will focus on the root cause of the hair problem, ideally becoming a permanent solution. Ayurveda has always focused on maintaining a balance between the three doshas. Imbalance between the three doshas can result in bad hair health, which is what ayurvedic oil for hair growth can help with. 

Understanding Doshas and hair health

The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha when balanced are indicators of good health. Although, when one of them is imbalanced significant health problems can arise. Each dosha when aggravated will have certain symptoms to indicate the imbalance, It is important to understand these symptoms to move to choosing the best hair oil for growth.

A. Symptoms of Vata Dosha

Thinning of the hair is one of the key symptoms of your Vata Dosha being aggravated. Split ends can also be an occurrence along with hair loss around the back of the head. 

B. Symptoms of Pitta Dosha

Dandruff is a resultant of an imbalance Pitta Dosha, along with an oily scalp. It could also result in some hair loss or a receding hairline. Both are a result of inflamed hair follicles which cause the hair loss. 

C. Symptoms of Kapha Dosha

When blood supply is blocked towards the hair follicles, the result is heavy and greasy hair. This is an indication of an aggravated Kapha Dosha and a very common symptom is an itchy scalp. 

Best Indian Oils for hair growth from Ayurveda

The benefits of any herbal hair oil for hair growth are that they are free from chemicals. and are meant to target a specific type of hair problem. This is why they are able to deliver better results as compared to general oils. Here, some of the best ayurvedic oils have been listed which can help achieve a dandruff free scalp and hair. 

1. Coconut Oil

Benefits: Coconut oil is considered to be the simplest and best solution for dandruff. It will thoroughly penetrate into the scalp and cuticles to remove the accumulated sebum. This eventually speeds up the hair growth process. 

Side effects: Using coconut oil in the right amount is key here, as too much can cause a build up of oil on your scalp. This could result in greasy hair, especially if you have very fine hair. Understand your hair type before using the oil. 

How to use: Best time to use coconut oil is before you are about to wash your hair. Have the oil for about 20 minutes on your scalp and then simply wash your hair like you usually do. This is best for generally oily hair, otherwise you can have the oil in your hair overnight too. 

2. Tea tree Oil

Benefits: Antiseptic effects of the tea tree oil is why it has been a popular oil for hair growth and repair. Dandruff on the scalp can be best treated with tea tree oil, as it will reduce flaking and soothe the skin from any kind of irritation. 

Side effects: Tea tree oil must always be used after dilution with other oils because if used otherwise it can cause skin inflammation. The skin can get further irritated and you might end up losing hair from the adverse reaction. 

How to use: Carrier oils along with a few drops of tea tree oil is the best way to use it for dandruff treatment. Adding it to your shampoo can also be helpful, the only thing to keep in mind is that it should be diluted before use. 

3. Bhringraj Oil

Benefits: Also known as Brigandi Oil, this one is an extract of the Bhringraj Oil. It is one of the most recommended herbal oil for hair growth. The leaves of the tree Bhringraj are the basic ingredient of the oil which is a complete treatment for hair. 

Side effects: Swelling and redness are a common occurrence if your skin is allergic to Brigandi Oil. Hence, it would be best to do a patch test before using it on your scalp. Wait for at least 30 minutes to see if there are any side effects. 

How to use: The benefits of Bhringraj oil are maximum when it is used after heating up a little. The hot oil massage will be beneficial for your hair. It is the massaging part that is also important here, do that for about 15 minutes to achieve best results. 

4. Charvi Hair solution

Charvi Hair Oil -Ujwala Ayurvedashram

Benefits: Created by Ujwala Ayurvedashram, the charvi hair solution is like a one wholesome product which can help with dandruff and split ends. It brings a shine to your hair that no other oil or product can. 

Side effects: A patch test is always recommended before applying the solution directly to the scalp. Best results can be seen when the recommended amount is applied at frequent intervals. 

How to use: The gel form of the hair solution allows you to apply it daily and massage it in hair for 10 mins. This has been recommended along with using it at least two times in a day to see good hair regrowth. 

5. Neem Oil

Benefits: Neem has been described as one of the most effective solutions to improve hair health generally. Ayurvedic neem oil which is pure can help your hair heal from all the damage and eventually get rid of dandruff and oily scalp. 

Side effects: Since neem oil is very strong in its properties, its application on the scalp may result in irritation. This is a possibility when you have very sensitive skin, so it will be better to use the oil in a diluted form. 

How to use: Like you would regularly oil your hair before washing them, neem oil can be used similarly too. Massage the oil into your hair and then let it stay for half an hour or so. A helpful trick is also to add a few drops of the oil in your shampoo. 

6. Lavender Oil

Benefits: Itchy scalp is a resultant of having dandruff in your hair but Lavender oil can really help in calming all that down. Any damage that has come from pollution or otherwise can also be undone with regular application of the soothing oil. It is also one of the best oil for hair loss and regrowth owing to its antimicrobial properties. 

Side effects: Lavender oil has a significant fragrance which helps soothe the mind but that can also sometimes cause nausea. It is again an essential oil so dilution with carrier oils is recommended to avoid any skin related reactions. 

How to use: A tablespoon of lavender oil combined with carrier oils like coconut oil or almond oil can be massaged into the scalp. After that, simply wash your hair with a cleanser for best results. 

7. Jojoba Oil

Benefits: The biggest advantage of Jojoba Oil is that it doesn’t disturb the natural balance of your scalp, rather blends in. New hair cells can be witnessed after its regular use along with hair regrowth. Ailments like dandruff and hair loss can be very well dealt with the help of Jojoba Oil. 

Side effects: Even though it is a rare scenario, it is possible to get an allergic reaction from the use of Jojoba Oil. Rashes are a symptom that can help you detect it after which you should discontinue use immediately. 

How to use: Jojoba Oil can be directly applied to the hair and scalp by massaging it in. Take small sections of your hair and apply the oil, after which you can leave it for some time. Once a week use is good for dealing with dandruff on the scalp. 

8. Sesame Oil

Benefits: Sesame is no doubt one of the best oils for hair growth as it has also been used in many ayurvedic remedies. The Vitamin E in it is very beneficial which can truly nourish your scalp. Eventually, your hair health will improve and you will have a dandruff free scalp. 

Side effects: Too much use of sesame oil can block the pores and harm the hair follicles over time. This is why the use of an appropriate amount of oil is very important here. 

How to use: Heating sesame oil brings out its healing properties and adding a few herbal leaves can enhance that too. Apply it directly on the scalp while massaging it slowly, to later wash your hair as you usually do. 

9. Rosemary Oil

Benefits: Improved blood circulation in the scalp can improve overall hair health and growth. Rosemary oil does just that and ensures the color of the hair is retained as opposite to greying which can happen over time. 

Side effects: Like most essential oils, too much of rosemary can also be harmful for the scalp. Skin irritation is a common occurrence but nothing dangerous to health. Hence, the right amount of oil is important here. 

How to use: To get the best out of the herb, you can heat the rosemary leaves with some coconut oil. All the goodness of rosemary will retain in the oil, which you can strain and use later on as well. 

10. Onion Oil

Benefits: Using onion oil is a popular ayurvedic remedy for healthy, nourished hair. Regular use can enhance the texture of your hair by increasing the blood circulation around the scalp. Especially in the crown area of your head, regular application can eliminate dandruff. 

Side effects: Onion oil can also be heavy for the hair which can result in redness and itching on the scalp. It is best to use it in a diluted form with other carrier oils and not apply it directly. 

How to use: To reap true benefits of onion oil, you can grate a few onions at home to take out their juice. This juice can then be mixed with coconut or aloe vera oil to later apply on the hair. Overnight oiling will further help nourish the scalp. 

11. Castor Oil

Benefits: One of the best oil for fast hair growth and getting rid of dandruff is definitely castor oil. It is generally thick in texture and has properties that can help reduce itchiness and inflammation. The Vitamin E in it further moisturizes your hair to deliver healthy and happy hair. 

Side effects: Castor Oil is very heavy in texture and it can build up over time on your scalp, if not washed properly. This is why dilution is recommended as a part of proper hair treatment. 

How to use: Washing castor oil out can be tough because of its texture. Apply it thoroughly along the length of your hair and you can wash them in the morning after leaving the oil overnight. It is also suggested to dilute the oil with another one like sesame oil. 

12. Almond Oil

Benefits: Almond Oil is best known for nourishing the hair with its fatty acids, Vitamin E and magnesium. Damaged hair due to dandruff of pollution can be healed well with the nutrients present in it. It will also protect your hair from any further damage, after you begin to regularly use it. 

Side effects: If you style your hair a lot, make sure to not use almond oil before using any kind of heat styling products. The oil can be harmful when heated up too much and may further damage your hair. 

How to use: Massaging slightly heated up almond oil into the hair roots and tips can be very helpful. It is suggested to not leave the oil on your hair for more than 20 minutes to get the best results. A regular wash after application will do the trick for you. 

Achieve maximum results with your Ayurvedic hair oil

Oils can be very different in their use, some are best applied when hot while others have to be diluted. It is important to understand the properties of the oil you are using to receive its maximum benefits. 

Something like the Charvi Hair solution by Ujwala Ayurvedashram, which is an anti-dandruff solution, has to be applied at least two times a day. It has been manufactured as a complete hair solution for growth which is why it has a frequent usage. 

Other essential oils on the other hand have a recommended usage of only one time a week. Although, you can define a technique in which application of any kind of oil is fruitful. Here is the ayurvedic way to apply essential hair oils for best results. 

  1. Start the massage with the crown region of your head and adopt a horizontal rubbing motion for this area. This will slowly allow the oil to work its way into the roots. 
  2. Now use the oil on the top of your head, also known as the apex. Repeat the same motion to allow the oil to spread evenly. 
  3. Next step would be to ensure the oil spreads uniformly around the middle region. Here you can rapidly rub the oil onto the scalp while also getting it onto the sides and bottom part of your head.
  4. When you have oil on the maximum part of your hair, you can massage them from all sides which will further get the oil into the roots. Make sure you are not pulling your hair while doing this. 


Q. Should you oil your hair everyday?

A. Once a week oiling is good for the scalp because otherwise your hair can become vulnerable. If you are using a hair solution, then follow the instructions given. 

Q. Is overnight oiling good for hair?

A. Ayurveda recommends overnight oiling to allow the hair to exfoliate and reap the benefits of the oil. 

Q. Is it OK to leave coconut oil in your hair overnight?

A. Coconut oil can be left overnight to reduce frizz and nourish the hair properly. 

Q. Should we comb our hair after oiling?

A. It is not suggested to comb hair after oiling because your hair are vulnerable at this time and is more prone to breaking. 

Q. Can too much oil damage hair?

A. Too much oil can build up on your scalp if not washed properly, which is why the quantity should be just enough on your hair. 


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